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Play Basket (11/05/15): LeBron James somete a los Bulls

Programa que dirige y presenta Francisco José Delgado

Play Basket: La Final Four entra en escena (11/05/2015)

Play Basket: La Final Four entra en escena (11/05/2015)



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Esta semana nos centramos en la Final Four que se celebra en Madrid con Real Madrid, CSKA, Olympiakos y Fenerbahce. Hablamos con la mano derecha de Zeljko Obradovic en el Fenerbahce, Josep María Izquierdo. Además, analizamos las opciones del equipo madridista con tres jugadores históricos del equipo blanco. Como todas las semanas, analizamos los play offs de la NBA con José Ajero e Iñaki Cano. Escuchamos a Fernando San Emeterio, charlamos con Marta Fernández y mucho más

CHICAGO, IL - MAY 10: LeBron James #23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers reacts after being called for a foul against the Chicago Bulls in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Semifinals of the 2015 NBA Playoffs at the United Center on May 10, 2015 in Chicago, Il

CHICAGO, IL - MAY 10: LeBron James #23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers reacts after being called for a foul against the Chicago Bulls in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Semifinals of the 2015 NBA Playoffs at the United Center on May 10, 2015 in Chicago, Il / JONATHAN DANIEL

CHICAGO, IL - MAY 10: LeBron James #23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers reacts after being called for a foul against the Chicago Bulls in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Semifinals of the 2015 NBA Playoffs at the United Center on May 10, 2015 in Chicago, Il

CHICAGO, IL - MAY 10: LeBron James #23 of the Cleveland Cavaliers reacts after being called for a foul against the Chicago Bulls in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Semifinals of the 2015 NBA Playoffs at the United Center on May 10, 2015 in Chicago, Il / JONATHAN DANIEL

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Àngels Barceló


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