Hora 14Hora 14

Telegrama a Juan Carlos Monedero

Miguel Angel Aguilar envía un telegrama al número tres de Podemos.

Juan Carlos Monedero, one of the main leaders of Spain's anti-austerity political party "Podemos" (We Can), shows documents during a news conference in Madrid February 20, 2015. REUTERS/Sergio Perez (SPAIN - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS) / SERGIO PEREZ (Reuters)

Juan Carlos Monedero, one of the main leaders of Spain's anti-austerity political party "Podemos" (We Can), shows documents during a news conference in Madrid February 20, 2015. REUTERS/Sergio Perez (SPAIN - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)


Señor Cofundador de Podemos, parece encontrarse como Segismundo en la Vida es sueño cuando exclamaba "apurar cielos pretendo, ya que me tratáis así qué delito cometí contra vosotros naciendo". En el día de las explicaciones sobre los cobros por asesoramiento y los tributos debidos a la Hacienda, convendría subrayar que ayudas a la navegación a dictaduras americanas las han prestado los Campmany, ansones y tuti quanti. Vengan en buena hora las minutas pero mucho mayor interés tendrían los informes redactados para esclarecer qué propugna el asesor.

Spanish Secretary of Constituent Process and Programme of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, speaks during a press conference in Madrid, on February 20, 2015. Political science professor and founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, finds himself embroiled in

Spanish Secretary of Constituent Process and Programme of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, speaks during a press conference in Madrid, on February 20, 2015. Political science professor and founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, finds himself embroiled in / JAVIER SORIANO

Spanish Secretary of Constituent Process and Programme of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, speaks during a press conference in Madrid, on February 20, 2015. Political science professor and founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, finds himself embroiled in

Spanish Secretary of Constituent Process and Programme of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, speaks during a press conference in Madrid, on February 20, 2015. Political science professor and founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, finds himself embroiled in / JAVIER SORIANO

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